In Part 1, I asked how to move scared and apathetic class members toward inviting lost and unenrolled people to Sunday School? In Part 2, I want to share six more steps. Keep in mind that in Part 1 I said doing so requires patient leadership.
In Part 1, I asked how to move scared and apathetic class members toward inviting lost and unenrolled people to Sunday School? In that post, I shared the first six steps: pray, develop a prospect care list, plan a fellowship or project, make phone calls/visits, send mail/electronic reminders, and conduct the fellowship/project.
In Part 2, I want to share six more steps. Keep in mind that in Part 1 I said doing so requires patient leadership. Consider these additional steps:
- STEP SEVEN: Enlist greeters. Your class now believes prospects will come to a fellowship/project. They not recognize prospects may come to class. Greeters are needed to help the class make good first impressions. Greeters welcome members and guests. They register guests, encourage name tags, and sit with and introduce guests to the class. They walk guests after class to restrooms, their children, and worship. They follow up with guests.
- STEP EIGHT: Involve but don’t embarrass. Since the public speaking is the number one fear, don’t ask guests to read aloud, answer questions, or introduce themselves to the group. It is fine if they volunteer. If you break into smaller groups, avoid making the groups too small when you have guests. Explain terms even more with guests.
- STEP NINE: Follow up with all guests. After guests or prospects come to a fellowship, project, or class, follow up within 72 hours. Introduce yourself, your class, and your church. Follow up on any previous prayer requests. Thank them. Ask if they had any questions. Share about an upcoming lesson, fellowship, or project. Ask for prayer requests. Pray together.
- STEP TEN: Make regular caring contacts. Contact should be make every 1-2 weeks–face-to-face and by phone are more personal. Identify yourself, your class, and your church. Ask how their week is going. Follow up on any previous prayer requests. Share about an upcoming lesson, fellowship, or project. Ask for prayer requests. Pray together. (Mobilize care if needed.)
- STEP ELEVEN: Offer testimony practice once a month. Give everyone a sheet of paper and ask them to write out their testimony: (1) what life was like before Christ, (2) how I met Christ, and (3) what life is like since I met Christ. Allow a maximum of 10 minutes. Ask them to turn them. Read them as if you were not a Christian. Offer written suggestions about how to improve or explain things better. Hand them back the next month, and get in pairs giving them 3 minutes each to read their testimonies to each other. Repeat each month. In month five, ask them to share the testimony with a family member. The next Sunday, ask how it went. In month six, ask them to share their testimony with a prospect. The next Sunday, ask how it went. Each month thereafter, ask one person to share their testimony with the whole class and challenge them to share with prospects. Teach them a simple gospel presentation to add to their testimonies.
- STEP TWELVE: Add new members to the class care list. Ask prospects if you can add them to the class care list. When they ask what is a class care list, tell them it is your list of people for whom your class prays, invites to fellowships and projects, and helps in times of need. Set an annual God-sized goal for new members.
Keep in mind that a class that stops inviting is planning to die. Lead. Pray. Invite. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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