Bill Search is the Small Groups Pastor for Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He has recently made available 27 great small group leader videos. They are brief and helpful in many directions. These videos are provided on Vimeo. You can join Vimeo’s basic service for free and access all 27 videos. And Vimeo does not ask for a bunch of personal information.
Check out this list of great video training topics:
- Conducting a Great First Group Meeting
- Creating a Group Covenant
- What New Leaders Must Do after the First Few Meetings
- When Your Group Is Too Small
- When Your Group Is Too Big
- Childcare
- Why You Need a Coach
- Staying Spiritually Vibrant
- Group Killers
- When It’s Time to End a Group
- Challenging Personalities
- Building Relationships DURING Group Time
- Building Relationships OUTSIDE Group Time
- Building a Relational Bridge
- Leading Great Discussions
- Asking Great Questions
- Active Listening
- Conducting a Great Prayer Time
- Helping People Grow DURING Group Time
- Helping People Grow OUTSIDE Group Time
- Using Curriculum Well
- Confrontation and Carefrontation
- Developing Hearts for Others OUTSIDE of Group Time
- Developing Hearts for Others DURING Group Time
- Finding Future Leaders
- Developing Future Leaders
- Evaluating Your Missional Heartbeat
To access the videos, go here: http://vimeo.com/channels/southeastchristiangroups. Then sign up for Vimeo if you are not already a member. The training may be exactly what you and your group leaders need to take your groups to the next level. Check it out today!
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