Starting on Sunday, August 1, a new Sunday School blog called Sunday School Leader will launch a 31 day series about Great Expectation Sunday School. Posts will be written by state Sunday School directors from around the nation. Here are the topics for each day of the month of August:
1. Expect new people every week
2. Expect people to say “yes” to the total ministry of the class
3. Expect to plant new groups
4. Expect every group meeting to be great
5. Expect leaders to arrive early
6. Expect great Bible study
7. Expect guests to say “yes” to enrollment
8. Expect friends to say “yes” to offers to attend
9. Expect group members to invite their friends and family to class
10. Expect all of the class leaders to be prepared
11. Expect members to participate
12. Expect the class to care enough organize for ministry
13. Expect class leaders to train
14. Expect the class to lead people to Christ
15. Expect evangelistic prayer every week
16. Expect leaders to be accountable for training
17. Expect new leaders to develop and emerge
18. Expect members to grow
19. Expect people to connect with others
20. Expect fellowship opportunities
21. Expect pastoral support and involvement
22. Expect personal follow-up of every guest
23. Expect positive examples from class leaders
24. Expect members to mature and leave the group to serve
25. Expect every member to share his/her story of faith
26. Expect every member to receive a contact every week
27. Expect change!
28. Expect lost people to be saved
29. Expect current leaders to reproduce themselves
30. Expect spiritual growth
31. Expect depth and lasting relationships
Some of these daily posts are directly related to sections of the book, Great Expectations. David Francis of LifeWay Christian Resources, the author of Great Expectations, has already written a blog post launching the August series. Check these posts out daily and share them with your teachers and others. Let’s Give God our best effort. Let’s raise expectations from good to great. Be revolutionary!
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