What does God desire for your class this year? Are you willing to give God and His sheep your best effort in the year ahead? Would like to see God use your class to reach and make disciples? What if pursuit of 4 challenges, led your class on a journey toward both?
Invite your class to pray about and accept these 4 class growth challenges:
- PRAY. Pray every week that God will use your class to reach and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20)
- INVITE. Invite lost and unenrolled people (prospects) to your class fellowships, projects, meals, and Bible study
- ENROLL. Ask prospects and guests if you may add them to your class prayer, ministry, and fellowship list (enroll them)
- CARE. Provide ongoing, intentional contact with care to all prospects.
For ideas related to these challenges, check out Sunday School Growth = Enroll Plus Care, Part 1 and Sunday School Growth = Enroll Plus Care, Part 2. In Part 1, I said,
There are many factors to Sunday School attendance increase, but two critical ones are enrolling new people and caring for those who are enrolled. When enrollment decreases, attendance almost inevitably decreases. When caring contact, fellowship, and ministry decreases, attendance follows.
Will you accept these challenges? Pray weekly. Set a goal for how many prospects to invite every month. Set a goal for how many you will enroll every quarter. Provide contact and care every week. Watch what God does to grow your disciples as you reach out! Pursue these challenges. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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