Jesus sent out His disciples to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). In order to carry out that mission, we must pay attention to and follow His example. During the last three years of His life, Jesus multiplied Himself into twelve disciples.
How can Sunday School pay attention to and follow Jesus’ example of multiplication? Consider these ways:
- Study Jesus’ Example. Individually and as a group, study the life and example of Jesus–specifically as related to discipleship and multiplication. Study, discuss, seek to practice, and encourage one another to be faithful to His example.
- Seek a Mentor. Prayerfully seek mentors to stretch you toward a closer walk with and obedience to Jesus. Mentors may be short term to help with specific aspects of your discipleship and multiplication. (It is rare to find someone who will invest in us long term.)
- Seek a Timothy. Prayerfully seek individuals in whom you may invest. Help them take steps of relationship, discipleship, and multiplication with Jesus. Lead them to prayerfully seek a Timothy.
- Invest in Prospects. Intentionally pray for and connect with people along life’s path. Pray with them. Care for them. Share Jesus with them by word and example. Invite them to meals, fellowships, projects, and class.
- Serve as a Leader. Serve the Lord, group, and church using your God-given gifts, experiences, passions, abilities, and personality. Don’t be afraid to try out different ways to serve. Invest yourself wholeheartedly in each opportunity.
- Apprentice a Leader. More leaders mean we can care for more people for the Lord. Prayerfully seek individuals in which you may multiply yourself by asking them to walk alongside you while you serve.
- Start a New Group. More groups mean more leaders and more care for more people. Send a seed group of 2-6 (maximum) out of classes to start a new group. Reach out to targeted people groups.
- Start a New Sunday School. Add a new hour of or day for Sunday School. Add a new location for Sunday School. This can be a great way to build a core group for a new church plant or even to revitalize a church.
What might happen if you, your class, and your Sunday School implemented these 8 practices of multiplication? How would you grow? What might be the results for your church and community? What is stopping you? Pray and begin taking steps toward multiplication. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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