Too many disciple-making opportunities are missed in early moments of Sunday School lessons. The teacher and group members arrive late. Time is wasted. Expectation and attention are poor. What can be done to fill these critical early moments with life-changing potential?
In this three-part series, I will focus on nine vital disciple-making actions during the early moments. I shared in greater depth on this subject in my book, Disciple-Making Encounters: Revolutionary Sunday School. In Part 1, I will address expectation, early arrival, and teaching space preparation. Evaluate yourself in these three areas:
- EXPECTATION. Prayerful expectation matters. What do you expect to happen? Are you expecting God to show up and work during your time together? Are you expecting the group to meet God in Bible study? Are you expecting lives to be changed–including your own? Is the group anticipating what will happen? Which attitude prevails: “I have to” or “I get to?” How is your expectation influencing your preparation?
- EARLY ARRIVAL. Having been in hundreds of classes over the last twenty years, much time is lost because teachers and group members arrive late. Late arrivals cause interruption. Time for prayerwalking the class is missed. Fellowship development is limited. Arriving early allows opportunity for disciple-making impact.
- TEACHING SPACE PREPARATION. Unchanged classroom arrangement reduces expectation. Dirty, cluttered rooms are distracting. Teaching space deserves weekly unique preparation, including utilizing a variety of teaching methods to address learning styles. This includes arrangement, direction, and even location of the leader. Details matter.
Take advantage of the opportunity in these early moments. Doing so well can reduce distractions and focus the possibilities for disciple-making. Raise expectations. Arrive early. Prepare the classroom. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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