Perry Noble is the pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, South Carolina. He is also the author of a blog called Perry Noble Dot Com. Last month, he wrote a blog entry entitled Five ‘Gut-Check’ Questions. While I don’t know Perry, these are good questions that can be helpful if applied to the work we do in Sunday School.
Perry’s quetions are in all capitals followed by my commentary:
AM I LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF GOD? Are you taking time daily to listen? Are you spending time daily with God in Bible study and prayer? When you open God’s Word, what is He saying to you? Leadership of God’s people whether in a class or the Sunday School as a whole starts here. Set aside time daily. Practice being still. Develop habits that strengthen your time with Him. Don’t rush through your quiet time. Reflect on what He is saying to you.
AM I TAKING RISKS? Are you willing to go wherever He leads? Are you willing to do what He asks? Willingness is key. Are you willing to lead His people where He is calling them, even if they don’t understand? even if you don’t understand? (Think Abraham!) God did not send Jesus into the world to leave it the same. Jesus came to change it! Leading Sunday School change is risky, but not to risk is to be disobedient!
AM I UNDERSTANDING HOW BIG GOD IS? You serve a big God! God is awesome. He wants to bless you. He wants to use you. His ways are above your ways. You cannot (and should not) put God in a box. You must expect the unexpected. God will surprise you, and then He will do it again! Have God-sized expectations for Sunday School. Set God-sized goals. Point out God-sized blessings! Give Him praise and thanks!
AM I SURROUNDING MYSELF WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE? As a Sunday School leader, who are you leading? Who are you influencing? Who are you discipling? Who are you mentoring? Who are you apprenticing? Implement 2 Timothy 2:2 (NIV): “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” Influence for Him. Delegate. Coach. Train. Share. Encourage. Take them with you!
AM I GIVING IT MY BEST? God gave His all in Jesus. He asks for nothing less. He deserves nothing less. Work hard in your Sunday School work. Be faithful. Prepare well. Give your all. Be the best teacher, director, father, friend, workmate, leader, teammate that you can be! Invest in the Kingdom. Invest His love. Never, never, never give up! Give HIM your best!
Answer these questions yourself. Then, lead others to answer them. Are you listening? taking risks? understanding His awesomeness? surrounding yourself with the right people? giving it your best? giving Him your best? Be revolutionary!
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