Most revolutionary Sunday Schools will reach points in their growth where decisions have to be made about what to do next. Dual or multiple Sunday School is one option. I have written on this subject previously in an entry entitled Would You Like to Double Your Sunday School Space? Another blog entry which can help you to explore some of the options prior to dual or multiple Sunday School is entitled Do You Have Enough Sunday School Space?
There are many words of wisdom that I can offer from personal experience. Pray for God’s leadership and help prior to consideration of dual or multiple Sunday School. Don’t wait too late to begin considering such a decision. Communicate; communicate; communicate. And one of the biggest: don’t rush your launch of multiple Sunday School.
I have seen so many revolutionary Sunday School leaders (pastors, directors, ministers of education, and others) who did a good job of starting new classes. But they failed to realize that they were approaching a space dilemma until it was too late. They realize they need to start new classes or else growth with slow or stop, but now they are out of space. They have been creative and moved classes into unused space, including offices, library, choir room. They have started multiple classes in large spaces like the sanctuary (where possible) and the fellowship hall. They have provided portable space, where zoning allows. They have sought out and used nearby space in homes and businesses. And now they are in trouble–additional space cannot be found. And building projects will take too long.
So these revolutionary Sunday School leaders realize they need to do something. So they plan to add another Sunday School session to their schedule in a month or six weeks. But it takes time to plan change well, and it takes even more time to prepare people for the transition. In general, I would recommend no less than six months of prayer, planning, preparation, and communication prior to launching a second Sunday School. You may be able to move more quickly from two Sunday Schools to the third Sunday School, but it would be better not to rush!
I wanted to share several resources (several are free) that are available as you consider moving to dual or multiple Sunday School:
The Baptist General Convention of Texas has written a great overview article that Josh Hunt has made available. It is entitled How to Plan and Conduct Multiple Sunday Schools.
Another great resource available from LifeWay is entitled How to Move to Multiple Sunday School Meeting Times.
Josh Hunt has written a book entitled Double Services Double Sunday School ($16.99+shipping).
The Georgia Baptist Convention has written a helpful resource, Dual Sunday School Checklist.
Thomas Cook has written a helpful article called The Two Sunday School Plan.
Another helpful article is entitled What You Must Know About Dual Sunday Schools.
Finally, Stan Toler has written a kit entitled How to Go to Multiple Sunday Schools ($109.95+shipping).
Do you have some hard-learned suggestions to share with those who are considering moving to dual or multiple Sunday Schools? Do you have a success story to tell? Thanks in advance for pressing the comments button below. Remember: don’t rush your launch! Pray. Plan. Communicate. Be revolutionary!
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