In recent years, I have noticed a subtle decline in invitations to attend Sunday School. Why is that true? Have we begun to take for granted the staples our churches have to offer to inspire, train, and mobilize us?
I think it is time to reconsider the benefits that Sunday School has provided. Think about your experience in Sunday School classes over the years. Stop and answer these questions:
How has attending Sunday School helped you grow as a Christian?
How have you grown in your relationship with God?
In what ways has Sunday School helped you learn more about God, His Word, His will, and His ways?
How has Sunday School helped you to face life’s struggles?
How has Sunday School helped you make better decisions?
In what ways has Sunday School helped you grow as a leader?
How have relationships that have developed in Sunday School blessed your life?
Has there been a time when your class came to your aid in time of need?
For additional suggestions, consider these questions posted by Bill Alphin, a friend of mine in Virginia. It is intended for use with Sunday School leaders, but these four questions could help class members think of a response to share in a Sunday School testimony. The resource is entitled Sunday School Evaluation and Reflection Questions. Here are the four that are most relevant for a Sunday School testimony:
If I was your next-door neighbor and you want to “brag” on your Sunday School class, what would you tell me about your class?
You and I are on the phone talking about your Sunday School class. What would you tell me about your class?
What is your greatest joy in your Sunday School [class]?
What is God doing in your life or the life of your Sunday School class?
If you can answer any of the questions above, you have a Sunday School testimony that needs to be shared. There are people along our paths each day that need to know we care. When we stop to listen to them and pray for them, it can also be an opportunity to share about a time or way that Sunday School has helped us. It can be natural to invite them to attend with us. Practice your testimony until you can share it in two minutes or less, and ask God for opportunities to share it!
There is power in the personal invitation. There is power in your personal testimony. Share yours this week with someone waiting for you to share it! Pray. Listen. Share. It could just change a life–maybe even yours! Be revolutionary!
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