Revoltionary classes are intentional about welcoming members and guests. They understand that if it is “everybody’s job, then no one does it.” It must be someone’s job. For that reason, these classes have greeters in place.
What does a greeter in an adult or youth class do? The simple answer is to welcome members and guests. With guests, their job is to help guests to relax, feel comfortable, and to begin relationships. Greeter duties include arriving early, beginning with prayer, and preparing to minister. Some great church and class greeter suggestions can be found in Buddy Bell’s book, Greeting 101. I also like the suggestions for a H.E.L.L.O. greeting in the book First Impressions: Creating Wow Experiences in Your Church:
H is for Hello
E is for Engagement
L is for Listen
L is for Listen some more
O is for Offer assistance.
Specificially, a greeter’s job with guests is to get to know the guests; sit with them in Sunday School and worship; and to take take them from class to restrooms, to children, and to worship. The relationship investment in class and worship continues through a call after Sunday to say I’m glad you came, invite to a class fellowship, and to ask for and pray about prayer requests.
In addition to an impact on guests, a class greeter helps the class notice who who is missing. Because every attender is greeted, ministry to absentees is a natural response. How many greeters does a class need? It depends on the number of guests a class has, but the answer is a minimum of two in case one is absent. While greeters can rotate, they need to be on duty regularly enough to know when attenders are absent.
In preschool and children’s classes, teachers will serve as greeters. They greet preschoolers and children on their level. Inviting parents or other adults to serve as greeters can allow teachers to focus on teaching from the moment the first child arrives. Also, if you find an adult who greets preschoolers/children well, you may have discovered a potential teacher.
How prepared is your class to welcome members and guests? Touch live
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