In Sunday School Director Job Description, Part 1, I wrote about the various people with whom a Sunday School director works: pastor, teachers, general leaders, class leaders, planning team, finance team, facilities team, discipleship director, nominating team, and greeter team. In Sunday School Director Job Description, Part 2, I shared about major areas of responsibility for the director: mission, definition, retreat, pastor, accountability, enlist, budget, training, prayer, enroll, organize, contact, impressions, promote, fellowship, apprentice, and start. These two posts are fairly comprehensive.
DUTIES. Allow me to summarize the duties listed in Part 2:
1. Lead teachers and workers to understand and pursue the biblical purpose, mission, and vision of Sunday School.
2. Together with teachers and workers, develop a comprehensive Sunday School strategy statement.
3. Plan and conduct an annual Sunday School growth retreat.
4. Develop a strong relationship with the pastor and regularly meet to evaluate and plan Sunday School work.
5. Gather the planning team monthly to evaluate progress on annual retreat goals, to make adjustments, and for training and communication.
6. Invest in prayerful and personal Sunday School teacher and worker enlistment and care. Seek God-called leaders.
7. Following your retreat, determine how much money is needed to carry out Sunday School growth plans. Present your requests to your budget/finance team.
8. Plan and conduct Sunday School teacher and worker growth training at least twice annually. Make it creative.
9. Set aside time (at least quarterly) for the church to pray for Sunday School.
10. Lead classes to pray for, pursue, care for, and enroll new, lost, and unchurched people. Establish and practice good enrollment policies.
11. Lead classes to enlist workers to carry out growth actions. This includes a secretary, outreach leader, care group leaders, greeters, and others.
12. Challenge classes to make weekly contacts (visits, phone, letters/cards, and electronic) with every member and prospect. Lead members to report to ensure accountability and in order to measure progress.
13. Enlist and train Sunday School and class greeters to greet and care for guests and members. Register guests. Encourage name tags.
14. Lift up Sunday School by talking about it during worship, establishing special days, and communicating about it with members and the community on a regular basis. Share testimonies.
15. Be a champion for monthly class fellowships and projects. Strengthen connections between members through regular times of fun, fellowships, and ministry/mission projects. Invite prospects and guests to begin connections with them.
16. Expect every Sunday School teacher and worker to apprentice another one every year. This is an important step in discipleship for the leader and the apprentice. It also makes growth more natural. Prepare the apprentice to be launched on their own.
17. Add more Sunday School classes at church and away. Send out the teacher or an apprentice and a seed group of one to five persons to help launch the new class. Identify space. Select and order curriculum. Pray for, care for, invite, and enroll new people. Coach leaders of the new class.
These four posts are helpful for new and experienced directors:
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