People are busy today. They are mobile. During the summer months, there are many reasons members may not be present:
- vacations
- family visits
- children’s summer sports leagues
- recreational outings, such as a weekend at the lake
- late Saturday evening activities
- and many more.
So what can we do to make up for more frequent “irregularity” of member attendance during the summer months? Don’t limit your thinking to the following suggestions. Rather allow this list to lead you to brainstorm your own list and to adopt a summer Sunday School strategy:
- invite your absentees each week
- implement Saturday night calling of every member, guest, and prospect (perhaps by class care group leaders)
- focus on inviting guests every week
- have a class or Sunday School-wide photo Sunday (work to have the whole class present)
- conduct a contact contest during one month or the entire summer between two halves of your Sunday School
- have a monthly class fellowship with strong encouragement to invite guests (before the end of the fellowship, invite everyone to be present in class)
- plan a meal and fellowship immediately after Sunday School and worship
- have a teacher/worker appreciation Sunday and encourage members to bring appreciation gifts to teachers/workers
- provide a breakfast for everyone 45 minutes before the official start of Sunday School (end promptly)
- add the names of your Sunday School members to the 90 days of the summer to pray for them by name throughout the summer (have seen this work great!)
What would you add to this list? What have you done that worked? You may not be able to avoid some Sundays with lower attendance, but with a strategy, you can keep your average attendance high and make it fun at the same time. Remember, it is difficult to disciple people who are not present. Work to get people present. Do so because you care. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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