What are you doing to get the word out about your Sunday School class? What are you doing to remind your members about the values and benefits of the class? What are you doing to invite and encourage prospects to try it? What are you doing to connect your class with worship guests?
Before you read the list which follows, I challenge you to write down your current practices and then write a list of possible practices that fit your class and your church. Then check out this list:
- teach class members to share their Sunday School testimony (check out Grow Sunday School by Sharing Your Sunday School Testimony)
- consider having a Sunday School class open house (check out Sunday School Open House)
- talk to your pastor about sharing about your class from the pulpit, perhaps as an interview by the pastor (check out Pulpit Sunday School Promotion)
- write a brochure about your class with age group, study topic, ministry projects, etc. to share in worship or give to members to share with friends through the week (check out Barn Quilts, Sunday School, and Tourists (Guests))
- have a Sunday School class sign up table before and/or after worship to talk to guests about your class, share a brochure, and/or lead them to your classroom
- give printed invitations to members for your class, fellowships, or projects (check out Sunday School Invitations (Postcards), Updated)
- set a goal for making prospect contacts (check out Sunday School Contacts Make a Difference!)
- invite guests to class fellowship activities (check out Reach and Assimilate People into the Kingdom Through Sunday School Fellowships)
- use a church bulletin board in a strategic location to share pictures and information about your class
- print business card size class invitations about the class with space for the member to add name and personal contact information
- add friends, prospects, and inservice teachers (who are working with preschool, children, or youth) to your prayer, fellowship, and ministry list and communicate weekly with the group through email
- use the church bulletin or newsletter to promote special class studies, projects, and fellowship activities
- look for community opportunities to share printed or promotional information about your class
By the way, the list above is also a great way to promote a new class start! There are also many more ways to market and promote your class. Don’t keep it to yourself! Invite. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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