My friend, David Bond, serves as Adult Sunday School Strategist for the Evangelism and Church Growth Team of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. David wrote a recent great post for the Sunday School Leader blog that was entitled Simple Strategies for Building Community. In the post, David offered seven simple class efforts which can make a huge difference.
Here are the seven (but you will want to read his whole blog post):
- Get to know each other.
- Provide time for interaction in class.
- Name tags.
- Contact each other during the week.
- Come up big during crisis.
- Get together outside of class.
- Utilize groups within the group.
Deeper relationships increase trust which results in the potential for greater assimilation and disciple-making. Invest time in these seven actions. Organize to carry them out. Keep them in front of your class. Raise expectations. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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