It is hard to believe, but April marked the fifth anniversary of The Sunday School Revolutionary!. This is post number 1,018. Posts have been viewed more than 325,000 times by people in every one of the United States and 182 different countries/territories.
Pastors, staff people, Sunday School directors, and teachers tell me how much they have benefitted from it and how they use it. Some print copies of relevant posts weekly and give them to teachers on Sunday mornings. Others who subscribe (enter your email on the right side of the blog) forward relevant posts to their teachers by email. Other Sunday School leaders have set goals, taken actions, or made changes as a result of something written in the blog. I am grateful to know that the blog is impacting leaders and leading to change!
In order to mark the fifth anniversary, I wanted to share the top The Sunday School Revolutionary! posts. There were 63 posts with more than 500 pageviews. That would be a long list that would be difficult to read. So I narrowed the list to those posts which readers have viewed more than 1,000 times each. Each one is listed with the total number of pageviews in parentheses. Each title has been linked to the post so you can easily review ones you have read or catch up on some you missed. Enjoy!
- Unique Names for Sunday School and for Sunday School Classes (9,852)
- Free Training Materials for Sunday School Teachers (4,820) and Favorite Post: Free Training Materials for Sunday School Teachers (2,382)
- Top Ten Actions to Increase Sunday School Attendance (3,508)
- Favorite Post: Plan Your Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day (2,791) and Plan Your Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day (2,720)
- Revolutionary Sunday School Invitations (Postcards) (2,765) and Sunday School Invitations (Postcards), Updated (1,090)
- Promotional Tools for Sunday School: Don’t Keep It to Yourself! (2,161)
- Improve Sunday School Through Evaluation (1,992)
- Creative Ways to Train Sunday School Teachers (1,956)
- Nine Reasons to Use Icebreakers in Sunday School/Small Groups (1,630)
- Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Month: Is It May or October? (1,570)
- Invitation to Sunday School (1,548)
- Qualifications of a Sunday School Teacher, Part 1 (1,529) and Qualifications of a Sunday School Teacher, Part 2 (1,529)
- Sunday School Teacher Qualities (1,442)
- 5 Goals for Sunday School Growth This Year (1,430) and 5 Goals for Sunday School Growth This Year, Part 1 (1,104)
- Benefits of High Attendance Sunday (1,429)
- What to Name a New Adult Sunday School Class? (1,393)
- Presenting a Creative Sunday School Lesson (1,325)
- Characteristics of a Good Sunday School Teacher, Part 1 (1,270)
- Grow Your Sunday School by Following Up Vacation Bible School (1,212)
- Grow Your Sunday School: Set Goals This Year (1,153)
- Nine Actions for Starting New Sunday School Classes, Part 1 (1,113)
- Sunday School Growth Spiral (1,083)
- Teaching Sunday School Members to Pray Through Scripture (1,066)
- Pulpit Sunday School Promotion (1,000)
If you have Sunday School questions or issues you would like to see addressed, press Comments below any post. This blog really is strengthened as we share our experiences and work together toward revolutionary, life-changing Sunday School. Dare to raise expectations. Dare to make a difference. Dare to lead change. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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