Think of your class or Sunday School as a whole as a pail. How are people leaking out? What are the reasons people are becoming irregular in attendance? What are the reasons people are dropping out? Maybe you cannot think of a single person who has left your class or Sunday School, but let’s list a few ways they could leave and that may jog your memory:
- death,
- grief,
- job transfer out of town,
- change of job schedule/demands,
- divorce,
- personal illness,
- illness of a family member,
- transportation issues,
- lack of relationships in the class,
- lack of involvement in the class or class activities,
- lack of a place of service within the class and church,
- children’s sports activities on Sunday morning,
- anger/conflict,
- declining irregular attendance (with class contacts and care),
- declining irregular attendance (without class contacts and care),
- other.
What would you add to this list? There are many reasons–almost as many as there are people. But as long as any of these reasons exist (including death), Sunday School must continue to add new people to the Sunday School pail or attendance will decline. But at the same time, you need to plug the leaks. Otherwise, those you reach may simply pour out the holes.
Look through the list and identify ways you can address as many as you can. Set them in motion one at a time. Don’t overwhelm your class or Sunday School, but help them to understand why. Share the picture and plan. Help them own the problem and solutions. Follow God’s leadership. Pray. Plug the leaks. Care for His people. Share your plans by pressing Comments below. Be revolutionary!
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