‘Tis the season to celebrate our Lord’s birth. In this series, I’ve challenged us to make sure our classes are ready. I hope the series reminds us to give our Lord and Savior our best. I am suggesting twelve gifts this Christmas. In Part 1, I asked how you would fill in the first verse (for a YouTube of the original song to inspire you, press the link). Here is what I offered there and for verse two in Part 2:
- On the first day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Love of God, neighbors, and self.
- On the second day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…A great start of a new class. (that makes two classes as a result)
How would you complete the third verse
On the third day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…
As I said in previous parts, there are many ways to complete the verse. Why not make the verse an invitation for your class’ response? Why not ask for class members’ commitment? Why not commit your response to Christ and to each other? Make Christmas special by giving Jesus twelve birthday presents this year!
Here is how I would respond to today’s verse:
Prayer for three prospects.
Prayer is powerful. Connect to the Source. We don’t have to ask if God wants us to pray and reach prospects. He has commanded us to “make disciples of all nations.” The scope of our work is vast. The importance of our work is eternal.
Jesus came to die for us. In John 10:16 (NIV), He said:
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
Not all of the sheep are already in the class. Jesus wants to use us to bring them to Him. Sunday School is a great tool to do so. Andy Anderson discovered through research that one out of three lost people who attend Sunday School over a twelve month period will accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. Sunday School is more than 100 times more effective than worship alone.
Begin by leading your class to pray for lost and unchurched people by name. I recommend using a prayer card from the North American Mission Board which is called “Who Is in Your Wallet?” It challenges you to make a 3-1-6 commitment to pray for 3 people, 1 time each day, for 6 days each week. Help them to identify lost and unchurched people in their paths who are friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors. Pray not only taps into power, but it also prepares us for God to use us. One more thing: pause to pray with lost people (check out Grow Sunday School by Praying for and with Prospects).
Use an open chair to ask attenders who they will invite to fill the open chair (check out Sunday School and the Open Chair: The Presence of Jesus and Missing Sheep). Build a prospect list with names and contact information of lost and unchurched people your class wants to pray for, connect with, reach out to, love to Jesus, and invite to class (check out MIA: Sunday School Prospect List). Teach attenders to share their Sunday School testim ony (check out Sunday School Testimony: Powerful Revolutionary Tool and Grow Sunday School by Sharing Your Sunday School Testimony).
We cannot make a dent in lostness by staying in the huddle. Pray and connect with lost and unchurched people. Don’t just sing the words to today’s verse! Commit to it! Live it! Do it! Love Him. Pray. Pray for prospects. Share His love. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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