In Part 1, we started thinking about the potential impact of the discipleship tool of the Sunday School. I suggested that our thinking should focus on what Sunday School can do to impact one disciple. Then I shared several questions about Sunday School impacting a disciple named Ken or Kendra. Check out Part 1 for those questions.
In Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4, we continued thinking about Sunday School’s impact on discipleship in these six ways: with God, God’s Word, each other, questions, application, and casual conversation. There are many more ways Sunday School can impact the discipleship of Ken/Kendra. Think about two more:
- ACCOUNTABILITY. The best classes care about one another and encourage each other in and away from class. Once attenders have been in class together for a few week, it is common for friendships to occur. This is the foundation for accountability and discipleship. Trust develops. Commitments are made to God and each other. They commit to pray, to read God’s Word, to read the lesson, to live out the truth of God’s Word, and more. Attenders offer to encourage each other to keep those commitments. The resulting positive accountability serves as a great source for forward steps of discipleship. This can take many forms: accountability partners, new Christian encourager, prayer partners, as well as the teacher asking at lesson beginning about obedience/application of last week’s lesson’s truth.
- INTENTIONALITY. Sunday School is less than revolutionary when it lacks focus and direction. It accomplishes less than its potential. The reason that little discipleship is accomplished through many Sunday School classes is the lack of discipleship intentionality. No one has taken charge. No one has made making disciples a priority. Such intentionality begins with and is led by the teacher. A coach, Sunday School director, or pastor can train teachers to make discipleship an intentional focus and to know who to make the most difference.
What else would you add to these two ways? What else would you add beyond these two ways? There are so many ways that Sunday School can be a tool for discipleship in Ken/Kendra’s life. Use it. Be revolutionary!
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