This series focuses on “more.” Sunday School becomes ineffective without these pillars and cannot grow without doing more in each pillar. The pillars include more purpose, teamwork, planning, trained leaders, groups, member and prospect care, new members, and disciple-making. Will you commit to more of these eight pillars this year?
More Leaders
There are two critical sides to this pillar. First is “more.” On average, one leader can only provide care well for about five people. If Sunday School is going to help the church to make disciples of all nations (Great Commission), then more leaders are essential.
The problem in many Sunday Schools is a shortage of care due to a shortage of teachers and workers. An adult or teen class with 16 members needs at least four leaders to provide care. To grow, the class would likely benefit from five or more leaders. In fact, to be growing the class needs to focus care on both class members AND prospects.
In many Sunday Schools, no one focuses on prospects and very little care happens with absentees. As a result, members drop out and no one new is reached. Without more leaders, care can be a drain on current leadership. When overwhelmed, those leaders are more likely to burnout or quit.
Add more leaders in every class. Add more leaders by starting new classes. Pray now that the Lord of the harvest would send workers into the harvest. Open your eyes to the workers He sends.
Trained Leaders
All Sunday School teachers and workers need regular doses of training. When adding more leaders, those new leaders should be offered training even before they start–either as apprenticing, coaching, conversation, or a course.
More leaders available but not working do not lead to effective and growing Sunday School. More leaders working on the wrong things or doing them the wrong way wastes energy and focus. Training demands knowledge of the job description and expectations. Trained leaders benefit from coaching and encouragement. Add trained leaders to every class. Start new classes with trained leaders.
When you add the two together (more leaders + trained leaders), great results can happen! More care happens with members and prospects. People don’t drop out. New members join. The lost become saved. Disciples grow. Leaders are developed. The Great Commission is advanced. Focus on more trained leaders this year! Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Chandler Chen on Unsplash
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