Too often we attempt to do the work of the Sunday School is our own strength. We fail to recognize the spiritual nature of the work. Sunday School needs to be founded and nourished on a relationship with God in prayer. I want to suggest 30 days of prayer!
While we have been dealing with social distancing due to the COVID-19 virus, my peers and I have written 30 great posts about prayer on the Sunday School Leader blog. The posts are responses to Dwayne McCrary’s new book, It Begins with Prayer (free ebook). I invite you to check out the entire series.
I wrote two of the posts:
- Forming Prayer Partners and Teams and
- Encouraging Those Making Specific Prayer Requests (goes live on Wednesday).
Posts from 30 Days of Prayer
Dwayne McCrary wrote the opening post of this April emphasis: It Begins with Prayer. In addition, seven of the posts include:
- Reaching Begins with Prayer, Scott Sullivan
- Praying Together for Lost Friends, Paul Johnson
- Who Are You Praying for…by Name?, Ken Beckner
- What about Kids?, Donna Blaydes
- Connecting Service and Prayer, Bobby Howard
- Rethinking and Creating Care Teams, Jeff Ingram
- The Class Prayer List, Tim Smith.
I want to invite you to spend some time on the Sunday School Leader blog checking out the 30 Days of Prayer posts. More importantly, I want to challenge you to pray and lead your group to do so as well. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
James 4:8a, CSB
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