Many have seen nativity sets but don’t know the Christmas story. Many have celebrated love and giving for years, but are unaware of the Savior’s love and sacrifice for them. Why not invite them to join your Sunday School class this year for a digital Christmas lesson?
Lesson Invitation
If you are not already meeting online, set up a special time to do this. Ask someone to set this up if you don’t have the expertise or access to an online program like Zoom. Practice connecting early so there are no surprises. Then send the digital invitation to class members who will share it with their friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors. Encourage the invitations to prospects to be personalized, and do not post the the digital connection information on social media (too many dangers).
Digital Christmas Lesson
There are many possibilities of what to include in this online time together with members and prospects. In all you do, keep in mind that you have invited guests. So consider some of the following ideas of what might be included:
- welcome to members and guests without embarrassing
- only announcements that would apply to everyone (including prospects)
- explain everything so that guests understand (from announcements through the lesson)
- opening prayer
- an icebreaker question (see Using Icebreakers Purposefully in Sunday School/Small Groups for ideas) to get them thinking and talking
- pre-arranged scripture readers
- choose a lesson that focuses on the biblical Christmas story
- ask simple thought-provoking questions
- sing a Christmas carol together (share the words on the screen or in chat)
- extend a simple invitation to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord and encouragement to share responses with their friends
- thank everyone, especially guests and let guests know they are invited every week to study the Bible with the group
- close in prayer.
Mix Relationships, Outreach, and Teaching
The lesson you teach should be one that shares many details about the Christmas story. It may not contain them all, but help guests to connect with the nativity pictures and sets they have seen. It may even help to make a visual available. Keep in mind that most people are able to picture stories in their minds well even without visuals.
The lesson could be intergenerational, but develop the experience so that there can be next steps of connection. Make sure that everyone who connects has a group that would welcome them after the digital Christmas lesson is over. Ask class members to follow up with prospects who attended. You might even record the experience and encourage members to send a link of the recording to prospects who were unable to attend.
Plan a digital Christmas lesson. What ideas do you have to make this experience even better? Many are open to your invitation. Invite them this Christmas season. Prepare well. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Sarah Evans on Unsplash
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