How can you measure progress in your Sunday School? It is much more than more bodies. It is the amount of ministry taking place. It is deeper relationships. It is greater understanding of God’s Word, His will, His ways, and God Himself. It is growing to be more like Jesus. It is living out truth learned, application to life. It is increasing the number of prospects prayed and cared for.
Sunday School progress can be measured in lives changed. It’s a growing trust of the group. It’s people sharing their faith. It’s leaders apprenticed, trained, and developed. It’s new groups started. It’s needs met and people touched in the community and world. It’s greater concern for the lost and a greater desire to spend time with God in private devotions–in personal Bible study and prayer. It’s an increasing number of invitations extended to Sunday School and church by members. It is more guests than last year.
In which of these areas (and others) would you most like to see your Sunday School grow this year? Don’t just write them down and throw a dart to choose which one(s). Don’t just choose the easiest one(s). Instead, spend some time praying. Invite your Sunday School leadership team to join you in praying for goals to set this year. What does God most want from your Sunday School? Prayer and seeking God’s leadership is also a goal, but it is one that every Sunday School needs. His leadership will result in God-sized goals!
Then, when you have determined your goals, plan out steps to lead your classes and Sunday School as a whole to accomplish those goals. What do you need to do first? Second? Involve your leadership team in planning the steps so they will take even greater ownership of the pursuit of those goals. Then determine who should be responsible. When is the deadline for each step?
Divide large goals (and action plans) into smaller ones. What is your goal for the first quarter or the first month? When the total goal is divided by your number of classes, what is the goal per class? And what is the goal per class per quarter or month? Large goals can in that way be broken down to be less intimidating.
But remember: don’t set your goals so low that they are not motivating and so low they require no dependence on God to accomplish! That, in itself, is reason enough to set goals (and yet another way to grow your Sunday School). So pray and seek God’s leadership. Determine to measure progress. Set goals. Make plans. Take steps forward together. Grow. Be revolutionary!
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