In Part 1, I began by asking some questions: What is the desired result of all of our efforts in Sunday School? What outcomes are we working to produce in members’ lives? How are we expecting them to behave as a result? Assuming an ideal Sunday School class, what would the members be doing? In Part 1, we looked at the first of twelve behaviors. In Part 2, we will look at the final six ideal behaviors of adult Sunday School class members. Consider the following beginning list:
Communicates with one or more class members weekly.Related to the previous two behaviors. Communication flows out of caring relationships. It is about connecting and ministering. It is about carrying out work of effective classes.
Participates honestly and openly in the lesson each week. An effective class member doesn’t sit on the sideline. He/she desires to grow and desires for others in the class to do the same. They are engaged in the lesson. They share honestly. They are transparent, admitting they are not perfect and need help.
Serves in some way to strengthen the class, church, and Kingdom. Again, he/she refuses to keep knowledge about Jesus, God, the Bible, etc. to himself/herself. There is a desire to live it out, to practice what has been learned. There is a need to share the love of the Lord. A place of service is fulfilling to the member and to the class, church, and/or Kingdom.
Seeks to meet God in Bible study during class and daily quiet time. Members desire to worship, to encounter God in Bible study. They seek to meet Him. They seek to hear Him. They seek to understand His will, His ways, and His purpose for their lives. When you open God’s Word, He speaks.
Weekly lives out the truth learned in Sunday School. Real learning is tested by life-integration. Those encountering God in His Word desire to live out the truth. They are different as a result of the encounter. They realize the need to be different and act differently. They commit to do it.
Supports efforts to start new classes. New classes are able to care for more people. New classes disciple more people. New classes give more opportunities for more people to grow as leaders. New classes enable more people to care for more people. They tend to be more evangelistic and to reach more unchurched people. Class members know that new classes are a great way for the church to carry out the Great Commission.
Look back at Part 1. How are the members of your class doing in the twelve ideal behaviors of adult Sunday School class members? Measure yourself. How are you doing in these six areas? How is your class doing? Which one needs priority attention? What can you do to strengthen this behavior for yourself? for your class? What can you do this week? Expect the best. God deserves nothing less. Be revolutionary!
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