Want your Sunday School to grow this year? Then I want to suggest three actions as you begin the new Sunday School year: pray, set goals, and calendar your action plans. First, many Sunday School leaders give lip service to prayer, but God wants to bless and use us to carry out His Kingdom business. But we need to join Him where He is at work and where He is leading. There is power and direction in prayer. Second, goals are a sign of vision, of expectation. They are motivation for accomplishing more and working harder. They bring a team together to accomplish something too big for any one of us.
Third, calendar your action plans to carry out the goals and plans God has led you to pursue. Why do we so often fail here? Calendaring is not flashy and exciting, but it is vital to pacing and preparing ourselves to do something great for God. I want to offer a calendar of suggested growth actions for your Sunday School. Begin with prayer and determining goals that are needed. Then, feel free to add to or subtract from the calendar. Feel free to rearrange the actions. Adjust your calendar to fit your needs. Consider some of the following:
Month | Actions | Person Responsible | Date/Deadline |
September |
October |
November |
December |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
What would you add or change in this calendar? Press Comments below and leave your thoughts and experiences. Don’t think maintenance. Pray. Set goals. Calendar and plan actions. Think growth. Be revolutionary!
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