No one would think of birthing a baby and just leaving it to fend for itself. So it is with new Christians We cannot afford to leave them alone. We must help them learn how to feed themselves and grow in the love of God.
As new Christians, they need to know that they never “walk” alone but have a Savior who will help them through life’s circumstances. They have to learn to talk to God just as they talk to friends. Too often they hear people pray flowery prayers in public and think they need to pray in King James to be acceptable to God.
Secondly, they need to learn about God and who He is. This they do by reading the Bible. Too many have been hampered in their spiritual growth by starting at Genesis and when they get to Exodus and Leviticus they get discouraged. It is important to share with them that Bible is not like any other book and it would be best to start at the gospels and learn about Jesus and what he did before going through Levitical law. I have found that many new Christians relate well to John as he gives some explanation to some of the things happening. Our goal should not be to make biblical theologians out of them, but people who fall in love with Jesus and the person who saved them.
Dr. Mark Yoakum is the Director of Church Ministries for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. He has served as Minister of Youth, Minister of Music, Minister of Education and Executive Pastor in churches in Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas.
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