The day and age in which we live requires us to think outside the box. People continually use the phrase post Covid, but you and I both know that we are nowhere near being post Covid. Therefore, it causes us to think in ways that we have not needed to before, especially when it comes to Sunday school. Most of our churches still have the traditional mindset that classes meet on Sunday morning prior to the morning worship and that is the only time we can meet. That is simply not true!
Nowadays we need to take advantage of meeting anytime anywhere. There is a tremendous benefit of having groups meeting off campus, either in homes or in other locations. Just think about it, some of your class still wants to meet on Sunday morning but then others are not comfortable being in an enclosed environment with a lot of other people. That means you can take advantage of multiplying your class and meeting somewhere else. That does two things. One you have just multiplied your class into two and secondly, it gives a new teacher an opportunity to teach on a regular basis.
Here is the other thing it has done; you have just multiplied your groups without needing new space. Many of our churches now days are taking a very hard look at their budget and for several they are not in a position to build. That means other measures need to be taken. One of those ideas is creating NEW off campus groups. If you are one of those churches that has people coming to your classes and nowhere to put them, then start thinking anytime, anywhere classes. Begin to think through what that could look like, where they could meet, and who would be the right person to facilitate that group. I think you would find with just a little effort your groups ministry would begin to grow exponentially!
Just a Thought!
Dwayne Lee
Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group
State Convention of Baptists in Ohio
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