I again recently had the privilege of preparing lessons for recording by Sunday School University. Steve Guidry has been providing video to support LifeWay‘s Explore the Bible and Bible Studies for Life curriculum for more than twenty years.
Steve has featured seminary professors and Sunday School practitioners in these lesson overviews. They can be used privately by individual teachers or included as part of a weekly teachers’ meeting. The cost is affordable for individuals and churches.
Just to give you a taste, allow me to share some video clips from lessons Steve Guidry recorded for the Bible Studies for Life curriculum. In these short clips, I previewed the Winter quarter lessons for the weeks of December 6 through January 17.
To access these sample previews, check out this link:
I encourage you to use as many tools as you prepare well to lead your group to encounter God in His Word. Use commentaries, Bible dictionaries, concordances, good questions (see Josh Hunt), and lesson previews when you have access to any of them.
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