What actions are necessary for a Sunday School to experience explosive growth? What steps must be taken or attitudes must be aligned for decline to reverse and growth to begin? What actions could accelerate small, steady growth to be explosive? Some thoughts came to mind as I prepared a conference for a regional Sunday School training event in Illinois. The event’s theme was “Building an Explosive Sunday School.”
Allow me to list some of my thoughts in bullet form. Feel free to add to this list by pressing the Comments button below. Let’s work to make a bigger and bigger difference in our world for our Lord who gave His all for you and me! Consider the following:
- passionate prayer for Sunday School and for members, absentees, and prospects;
- seeking God’s leadership for the Sunday School and its impact upon those reached, cared for, and taught through Sunday School;
- serving together out of compassion for people in the community and world;
- keeping and utilizing great prospect, contact, enrollment, attendance, and involvement records;
- new class starts on Sunday at the church, on other days, and at other locations than the church;
- intentional teacher/leader apprenticing;
- increasing visits and phone, mail, and e-mail contacts with members, absentees, and prospects;
- immediate ministry to discovered needs;
- mobilization of every Sunday School member into a place of active service in the Sunday School, church, and/or community;
- leadership team prayer, planning, training, and accountability sessions;
- setting goals for enrollment, attendance, contacts, new classes, new teachers/leaders, etc.;
- teaching all Sunday School members to share their Sunday School testimony (see this post for more information: Sunday School Testimony: Powerful Revolutionary Tool);
- inviting unchurched people to a party, to a class project, to church, to your class, and to your home for a meal;
- seeking more participation in the teaching-learning experiences;
- closing the back door through making members, absentees, and guests welcome every week;
- teaching attenders to meet God in Bible study;
- leading attenders to apply God’s Word to everyday life situations;
- inviting guests and prospects (even before they have been in class) to enroll; and
- expecting God to work and bless!
So, pray. Seek God’s leadership. Lead boldly. Reach. Teach. Care. Love. Assimilate. Expect. Be revolutionary!
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