How do we get people interested in attending Sunday School? How do we help others know about the values and benefits of small group Bible study? What actions can we take to lead people out of worship and into a class? And what can we do to lead people in the community to join a class at church or a group in our homes?
I can think of several methods. Consider which of the following might help you create a buzz about Sunday School:
- pray for God to work through your members, classes, and Sunday School (for more information, read Contract Prayer as a Sunday School Class and Is Your Class a Praying Class?);
- teach your youth and adults to share their Sunday School testimonies; this reminds them about what Sunday School means to them and gives them a ready word to say to friends, family, and others (for more information, read Sunday School Testimony: Powerful Revolutionary Tool and Why Do I Need to Be a Part of Small Group Bible Study?;
- have a Sunday School contest (can involve contacts, attendance, and/or enrollment); this reminds members to pray for and invite people (for more information, read March Madness Sunday School Contest, Benefits of High Attendance Sunday, and Sunday School Contacts Make a Difference);
- share testimonies (including the pastor’s own experiences) about Sunday School in the worship service (for more information, read Pastor as Revolutionary: Leading the Sunday School by Word and Example and When Pastors Attend Sunday School/Small Groups, It Is Contagious!);
- challenge your teachers and classes to strive for application of God’s Word and life-changing Bible study experiences; changed lives are attractive (for more information, read Five Practices of Life-Changing Small Groups and Crafting a Sunday School Lesson to Lead to Learning AND Action);
- care for people; care actively for their needs (for more information, read Revolutionary Sunday School Does Care);
- teach well; teach creatively; seek parti cipation; address learning styles (for more information, read Evaluation of a Good Sunday School Lesson, Part 1 and Part 2, Learning Styles in Adult Sunday School, and Planning an Adult Sunday School Learning Experience);
In Part 2, I will share several additional suggestions from a Church Central article entitled 7 Ways to Begin a Buzz about Bible Study. These methods raise the visibility of Sunday School. They raise the importance of Bible study. They remind people of the value of studying God’s Word together. Take a step this week to increase interest in Sunday School and to lead to more attending. Be revolutionary!
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