What we offer through our classes can be life-changing. Lost receive Jesus. Disciples grow more like Jesus. Leaders are developed. That means we should naturally want others to experience the benefits of Sunday School as well. A step in that direction is adding new people to our care list.
I have previously written about the importance of adding people to our care list plus providing care for them:
There are many practical ideas in these two posts.
A Sunday School care list is our list of members for whom we have promised to provide care through prayer, inviting them to our parties (fellowships and projects), relationship and ongoing contact, and ministry in time of need. If we want new people to realize the fruit of Sunday School, we must ask them to allow us to add them to our class care list. Who are these people?
- worship, Sunday School, or special event guests
- church members not enrolled in Sunday School
- family members of people enrolled in Sunday School
- friends, neighbors, or relatives
- workmates or schoolmates
- people in the marketplace
In other words, to be added to the class care list new people do not have to attend class. In fact, they do not have to have to attend church. You are simply asking for permission to care. But through relationships and caring well for people on our list about half will attend class.
Ask people for permission to add them to your class care list. Stop saying “no” for them. Don’t assume they would say no. Instead, assume they will say yes. After all, who would not want to be prayed for, invited to parties, and cared about, and cared for in times of need? Just ask them.
Get your class in pairs on Sunday for 2 minutes. Have them practice asking, “May I add you to our class care list? That is our list of people for whom we pray, invite to our parties, and care in times of need.” Get members comfortable asking each others so they will invite people beyond the walls of the church. Add them to your list. Provide care. Watch them attend and benefit from your class. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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