In Part 1, I said that if nothing changes, Sunday School will not grow. Growth requires prayer, more workers, more classes, training, caring contacts, invitations, new members, and more. There is God to obey. There are people to reach, care for, and teach.
In Part 1, I shared key actions that should be scheduled in a growing Sunday School from June through October. In Part 2, I will finish out the schedule by looking at actions that should be scheduled November through May. Keep in mind that these actions assume that regular planning and communication meetings are taking place. Consider the following:
- NOVEMBER-DECEMBER: Mobilize Missions, Ministry, and Prayer. Give the gift of care to those in need in the church, community, and world. Pray for the impact of Sunday School. Ask for God’s help in identifying workers for the harvest.
- JANUARY-FEBRUARY: Launch New Classes and Provide Training.Evaluate needs and growth of all age groups, enlist leaders, and start new groups. Coach new leaders. Evaluate needs and provide specific training for all teachers and class leaders. January Bible Study is another way to supplement teacher and member knowledge of God’s Word.
- MARCH-APRIL: Emphasize Outreach and Enrollment. Pray for prospects. Set aside a day every week to make visits, calls, and send mail to prospects. Set class goals for new members. Recognize those who meet or exceed their goals. Plan a fellowship or project to invite prospects.
- MAY: Appreciate Teacher/Workers. Provide a banquet or breakfast to thank teachers and workers for their service. Give gifts. Offer brief training (15-30 minutes). Recognize accomplishments.
What would you add to the schedule offered in these two posts? These are suggestions offered to maintain the effectiveness of our work of Sunday School. The work needs regular emphasis and strengthening in teaching, reaching, and member care. Plan it. Schedule it. Measure it. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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