Spring is the time when pastors, education, children, and student ministers are busy discovering and enlisting new leaders for the coming fall… or should be!
Because it seems so far away and there are so many other pressing ministries on our calendar in the spring and summer, you know… things like Easter, Mother’s Day, Vacation Bible School, camps, and mission trips… finding, enlisting, and equipping new leaders for our Sunday School and small group ministries often falls to the backburner.
Procrastination is best friends with mediocrity
Waiting until late summer to begin the search for new leaders is a major reason why so many churches have pathetic Sunday School organizations. Imagine if Apple computer waited until the week before the release of their latest product before they got their team together and said, “Okay, our new iPad is due out on Tuesday… Does anybody know an engineer who could redesign it for us?”
This year, rather than rushing to fill a bunch of empty slots in your “organization” in August, begin that process now. Here are some suggestions to help you get a head start:
- Update your teacher covenant or contract;
- Re-enlist your current leaders first. This allows you to recommit your current leaders and discover which leaders are not returning;
- Who are the groups that need a new leader? Make a list;
- Are there some new groups you need to start? How many?
- Decide who your “enlisters” are. i.e, Who will enlist who?
- Set a target date well in advance of the upcoming promotion day to have everyone enlisted. This will allow some flexibility in case you have a few difficulties;
- Provide training for both returning and new leaders.
During the month of April, we will have sample teacher covenants and training materials here at the Sunday School Leader blog. Our companion site, www.sundayschooldirector.com, is also an excellent source for training resources. Southern Baptists can also find excellent resources and assistance at your state convention office. In addition, some of the finest Sunday School resources in the world can be found at LifeWay Christian Resources, www.lifeway.com/sundayschool.
Bob Mayfield is the Sunday School/Small Groups specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Bob also blogs at his own site www.bobmayfield.com
These suggestions work well with every ministry in the church. Thanks for posting and keeping us on the ball……now to take a look at that new-fangled iPhone…..
Roger Sharp
Sounds good but any way to have something similar in Spanish?