A subtitle for this post is: “How to Make Class Even More Meaningful.” Every person has something to contribute toward this effort. Let’s look at three sets of people and some of the things they can do.
- help members and guests understand the value, benefits, and purpose of Sunday School
- ensure teachers/classes have the materials, supplies, and equipment needed to be effective
- provide training, planning, and leadership for Sunday School teachers and workers
- lead the congregation to pray for Sunday School and to invite people to Sunday School
- enlist new teachers and leaders, start new classes
- meet God in personal Bible study and prayer; following His lead, prepare the lesson well
- arrive early, prepare and prayerwalk the classroom, greet arrivers, start on time
- capture attention, get everyone involved, use methods that address learning styles
- facilitate a group encounter with God in His Word, lead class to apply the truth to their lives
- study the lesson between Sundays–especially the scripture passage
- pray for group members and class time
- rest well the night before and eat a good breakfast so you can give God and class your best attention
- arrive early, greet members and guests
- listen well to the class and God, participate in the lesson
- apply the truth, commit to obey, seek encouragement/accountability for obedience
Are you wasting time in Sunday School? What can you do this week to make class even more meaningful? Pray. Establish a plan. Set a goal and deadline. Ask for help. Take action. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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