I found an interesting list of reasons why Sunday Schools grow on page 77 of a resource by Elmer Towns entitled How to Grow an Effective Sunday School. Towns says that Sunday Schools grow because:
of the love that people feel one to another;
of the enjoyment of fellowship they have in the services;
the Word of God is so effectively taught and preached that people are nourished;
the filling of the Spirit equips people to serve God, causing churches to grow; and
the gratitude people feel to Christ motivates them to attend Sunday School.
Without a question, these are important motivation influences. When classes and churches experience conflict, it is nearly impossible to grow. When there is an attitude of “us four and no more,” Sunday School will not grow. When people are not nourished through good preaching and teaching, an attractional element is removed. When people are saved and are sensitive to God’s blessing and movement in their lives, others want to be around them in life and in Sunday School.
One of the strongest “pulls” to attend Sunday School comes when a person has a vital, growing personal relationship with God. He/she realizes what they don’t know. These individuals desire to be with other believers. They seek opportunities to serve. They want to grow and are unafraid of accountability.
These attitudes work best in an environment in which the Sunday School leadership team understands growth principles and ensures that barriers to growth are removed. New classes are started. Good records are kept. Systematic contact with prospects is expected and occurs. Planning and training happen regularly. Goals are set and pursued. Teachers and workers are properly enlisted. Expectations are high. Time is set aside for prayer for God’s leadership of the Sunday School. Adequate space, equipment, resources, and materials are provided.
Stop and evaluate your Sunday School. Is an attitude check in order? Which would you say was the bigger challenge for your Sunday School: attitude or growth principles? What can you do this month to pave the way for God to send you more people for which to care for Him? Check your attitude. Love God. Love people. Remove barriers. Implement growth principles. Be revolutionary!
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