There are many differences between mediocre Sunday School and revolutionary Sunday School. Prayer. Leadership. Training. New groups. Apprenticing. Coaching. Ministry. Involvement. Application. Accountability. Sharing life together. And many, many more.
In reality, revolutionary Sunday School happens more between Sundays than it does on Sunday morning. And a revolutionary class does not leave effective work to chance. A clear plan is in place. Goals are set. There is an understanding of the importance of the work and how the work contributes toward the Kingdom and the importance of doing the work together with God and each other. People have assignments for carrying out significant pieces of the work.
One way Sunday School contributes to the work of the Kingdom is by being intentional about the assimilation of new members. A care group leader in adult and youth classes is assigned to walk with the new member through the first few months together and beyond. The class secretary monitors the new member’s attendance in order to encourage the class to care for him/her well. Affinities are searched for and connections are made.
The teacher gets to know the new member between and during class sessions. This enables the teacher to encourage the new member’s spiritual development. The prayer leader leads the class to thank God for the new member and pray for the his/her needs. The ministry leader discovers the gifts and abilities of the new member and helps the new member find a place to serve in the class, church, or community for the Kingdom. Class members intentionally develop friendships with new members.
Besides all of that, because revolutionary Sunday School cares, it works together with the church to assimilate the new member. The assigned care group leader makes sure the new member has completed new member orientation. He/she explains church events and seeks to involve the new member in appropriate opportunities outside of class such as Discipleship groups, Women’s Ministry, etc.
What would you add to this list? What piece or pieces is/are missing from your Sunday School’s plan? Where do you need to focus? What goals need to be set in order to give God your best and make the most impact possible in the lives of new members? Pray. Plan. Take steps. They are too important to do less. Be revolutionary!
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