As a result of COVID-19, many Sunday Schools have not met face-to-face in a couple of months. Some states are allowing regathering or “re-entry” into the church building. In advance of doing so, I encourage you to gather a small Sunday School team (fewer than 10 people) for prayer and planning.
I have heard many say they are looking forward to getting back to normal. Why would we want to go back when we can go forward? Let’s not retreat. Let’s use the coming moments of regathering to propel Sunday School forward.
Regathering Questions
After prayer, there are many questions that you can address when your team meets, whether face-to-face or online. Here is a sampling of them:
- Will your senior adult teachers return (in all age groups), and should they? If they don’t, will there be enough time to enlist more? If not, then can Sunday School be done differently somehow?
- When will parents feel comfortable bringing preschoolers, and what does the Sunday School need to do to give parents confidence to do so?
- Will some classes prefer to continue meeting online? Will some classes plan to meet face-to-face but continue an online presence as well for absentees and others?
- If you offer preschool classes, will you have enough teachers to keep preschoolers safely apart?
- Do your classrooms have 35+ square feet per person to keep people socially distant (6 feet apart)? Even a large classroom of 200 square feet can only accommodate 5-6 people while keeping them 6 feet apart.
- Who will clean/sanitize your classrooms and all surfaces appropriately before and after classes meet? Do you have the cleaning supplies, gloves, etc. to clean/sanitize the right way?
- Will you require attenders to wear a mask, and will the church provide a mask for people who do not have one?
- Will some classes be forced to meet in large spaces (like the fellowship hall) through the week in order for groups of 10 or more to have enough space to keep people socially distant? Who will schedule this space use?
- Should regathering focus first upon those classes who have been unable to meet due to lack of technology, internet, or confidence?
There are many more questions that will occur to you while you discuss these. Allow enough time by meeting now. Turn regathering into a moment to move forward–rather than going backwards. Care for members. Reach out to prospects. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
In creating a regathering for Sunday School survey, what question would you ask?
Rob, check out the Guidelines (https://cdn2.creativecirclemedia.com/kbc/files/20200610-114848-Regathering%20Groups%20Guidelines.pdf) for some planning areas and questions. My bottom line question is what is the best way for us to care for the sheep (members and prospects) God has entrusted to us?