Over the years, I have taught every age group from older preschool through senior adults. I began teaching younger male youth when I was nineteen years old. I taught that group for four years. Since that time, I have taught classes with only one or two regulars and classes with fifty or more in attendance. In some classes, I have been the only teacher with an occasional substitute. In other classes, I have been the substitute or one of the co-teachers. Classes have included combined-gendered classes and one-gendered classes.
In addition to teaching Sunday School classes at the church on Sunday morning, I have also been a member of some adult classes. And in my work as the state Sunday School director, I have also been a guest in many, many adult classes in churches all over Kentucky and beyond. Beyond Sunday School, I have also been a member of two small groups and a leader of a small group. That adds up to a lot of Sunday School and small group teaching, leading, and attending experience over the last thirty years.
Allow me to begin a list of benefits of teaching Sunday School that I have seen and experienced over those years:
- greater learning about God and His Word through preparing and teaching
- stronger dependence upon God for His leadership
- more materials provided by the church for lesson preparation
- ability to cut off rabbit chases at the point of your discretion
- choice of variety of teaching methods addressing learning styles
- ability to choose interesting questions and to lead captivating discussions
- input into the arrangement of the learning space
- greater input into furnishing and equipping the learning space
- more personal stretching and growth through training opportunities
- more knowledge about and prayer requests for members and guests (and their families)
- greater openness of homes to your visits
- more awareness of growth of members as disciples
- ability to observe growth as members begin to serve and take leadership positions
- more input into class activities and plans
- stronger leadership vantage point for sponsoring a new class start
- ability to mentor/apprenctice another teacher
- relationship with a group that will love, support, and care for you
- ability to encourage class participation in church activities and projects
- input into the assimilation process of the class (name tags, greeters, and follow up)
- input into the ministry strategy of the class (care groups, prayer partners, crisis response, etc.)
Wow, what a list! And I am sure that I have only scratched the surface. What other benefits have you experienced? What would you add to the list? Press the Comments button below to help others recognize something you have experienced. Pray. Prepare. Be changed. Teach to change lives. Be revolutionary!
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