I am sure we all know that in the Great Commission, Jesus commanded His disciples to “go and make disciples of ALL nations” (Mt 28:19, NIV, emphasis added). Here is the question on my mind: Is the tool of the Sunday School, as it has been practiced, incapable of reaching all people? What limits it from reaching all people?
If Sunday School is only offered on Sunday morning, 40% of people cannot attend. They are our firemen, policemen, medical personnel, and other workers we have come to expect. When I look around, sometimes I think vision and leaders appear to be in short supply. And current churches can’t get remotely close to housing all people if Sunday School space is used only once and limited to the church campus.
We are going to have to get creative to carry out the Great Commission, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” We cannot do it alone. We are called to work together, to work together with Him. It is not a co-mission if we do it alone.
What then is the answer? How can we lead Sunday School leadership to consider the need of ALL nations? How can we begin to offer Bible study at more times and places? How can we increase vision and leader enlistment and development? Are we stuck with ineffective Sunday School? Are we resigned not to be obedient? No, the time is right for change. The need is great. Our Lord is able. And we are called to be change-agents. Sunday School can be a great tool. Be revolutionary!
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