I came across an interesting article by Edward Watke, Jr. entitledĀ The Value of Training. The article lists eight values “which flow out of training a group of [Sunday School] workers.” Here are the eight values listed by Watke:
Workers no longer have any doubts as to what their role is in the church.
They know what God expects of them as they serve in many varied capacities.
They know what the church expects of them and how to fulfill those expectations.
Workers become more concerned about knowing their pupils and meeting their needs.
There is a new vitality and thrill in serving the Lord. Many become excited about the Bible study hour.
Because of the enthusiasm of the trained workers, new workers come forward to serve.
There is a new concept of what it means to be a God-called, well-trained, and competent worker.
Serving the Lord takes on new meaning as people accept the need of training. Fulfilling the task of service becomes a rich blessing.
In addition to the values listed by Watke, allow me to list a few:
- Learning and sharing together is fun.
Training eventsĀ are great times to learn about each other and from each other.
Training can prevent burnout caused by problems for which the worker alone cannot discern a solution.
Training increases understanding about how each part of the Sunday School and church work together to reach, assimilate, disciple, and mobilize attenders into service.
Training raises vision, awareness, sensitivity, and motivation to carry out the work of the Sunday School.
Teachers/workers are reminded about the importance of what they are already doing, teaches them new ways to carry out their tasks, and encourages them to give their best to God and His people.
Besides these, there are many more values from training Sunday School teachers and workers. What would you add to the lists? How has training helped you or someone you know? What values do you see for new and experienced teachers/workers? What additional value would encourage a reluctant teacher/worker to show up for a training time? Consider the values. Share them. Plan excellent events which offer great value. Be revolutionary!
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