Care group leaders help raise the level of member care in our classes. They do so because someone is in charge and care is consistent and intentional. Member care has significant impact. Jesus said:
I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35, CSB
Care for each other is a command, and our example is Jesus. Our care will show others that we are Jesus’ disciples.
What Do Care Group Leaders Do?
- meet and pray with care group members during class for five minutes
- ask for prayer requests and pray together
- assign relationship-building absentee contacts to care group members
- assign ministry contacts to care group members
- call for reports of relationship-building and ministry contacts
- work with the teacher and other care group leaders to plan regular fellowships and projects
- when lesson plans call for group work, be prepared to gather and facilitate the care group
Ensuring Consistent Care
Assign care group leaders to a mix of faithful and absentee members. In order to provide high-quality, consistent care, assign each care group leader no more than 5-7 members. When all care groups reach 6 members assigned, seek, train, and mobilize an additional leader.
Focus on prayer, contact, and care. Avoid guilt. The leaders involve faithful care group members in delivering care to absentees and those needing ministry. Caring contact by a consistent group and by multiple persons provides the richest sense of care.
Enlisting Care Group Leaders
Pray that God will open your eyes to the leader you should enlist. Watch what God is doing in class members’ lives. Ask possible care leaders to help, and then observe the help provided. Following prayer and observation, enlist the person God has provided. Provide training and encouragement. Coach them to be effective.
For more information, check out A Simple Two-Part System for Getting Sunday School Ministry Done, Part 2. Care matters. Enlist leaders to be consistent and intentional. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by youssef naddam on Unsplash
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