My friend and peer, Bob Mayfield, has written a great post on the Sunday School Leader blog. It is entitled Sunday School’s Most Un-Popular Expectation. I encourage you to check out the whole post. Here is how he begins:
Ask almost any Sunday School teacher or participant what they love about Sunday School and you’ll get a variety of answers, such as: studying God’s Word, ministering to class members, fellowship, prayer and more. But there is little doubt about the Sunday School directive that gets the most opposition and has got to top the list of most unpopular expectations of a class: starting a new group!
No doubt about it! Starting new groups is unpopular. If you want to swim upstream in your church, start expecting new groups. If you want to experience the second coming of the Inquisition, announce to your class that you are starting a new group. If you want to upset the seating chart in your class, then start a new group….
For the rest of the post, press the title here: Sunday School’s Most Un-Popular Expectation. Even if the expectation is Un-Popular, God is pleased when we do things through the Sunday School to reach, care for, and share Jesus with lost sheep. Since not all the sheep are already in the sheep pen (John 10:16), we have work to do. And this expectation will help.
Start new groups at church and in the community. Be revolutionary!
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