Jesus is the reason to invite people to Sunday School every week, not just in December. Why? First, Sunday School is a powerful took in helping people accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. Pastors tell me 50-100% of lost people who attend Sunday School for a year get saved. Second, Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations. Because Sunday School is organized in age groups, there is a group responsible to pray for, care for, invite, and share with every person in the community.
But Christmas gives us additional special reasons to invite. Consider the following:
- FELLOWSHIPS. Classes frequently enjoy a Christmas party, activity, or project during December. Why not invite a guest to join you and get to know your friends at a class fellowship?
- LESSONS. December often comes with lessons about the special baby whose birth we celebrate. Why not invite a guest to join you?
- REFRESHMENTS. Classes often bring in cake, cookies, and special refreshments during the month. Why not do so as an excuse to fellowship and to include some new friends (prospects)?
- FRIENDS. December is a celebration of relationships with family and friends. Why not invite guests to come meet some of your best friends in class?
- GIVING. Collect money, food, or other items to meet the needs of individuals in the community. Invite guests to join you in giving and preparing the gift,
- MINISTRY. Serve together to help someone in the community. Invite guests to join you in serving and helping.
How else can Sunday School classes (children, youth, or adults) take advantage of this special month to connect with prospects? Press Comments below to share your ideas and stories. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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