Has neglect in your relationship with God impacted your care for others? This happens to pastors and teachers, to all of us. If neglect has crept in, the first step is to acknowledge that fact and confess it. Seek Him. Ask for His help. Spend daily time with God in His Word and in prayer. Listen to what He has to say and follow where He leads.
Jesus died on the cross to pay the sin penalty for each of us. If you need a relationship with Jesus, ask His forgiveness for your sin and ask Him to give direction to your care and everything you do. Today is the day.
Daily Time with God
Each of us needs a fresh, daily relationship with our Lord. My friend, Dwayne McCrary, wrote a brief, but important book entitled, It Begins with Prayer. Dwayne writes:
Another interesting fact about sheep is they need to eat every day. One way a shepherd knows a sheep is sick or in distress is by observing its eating habits. Healthy sheep need and want to eat every day. Believers also need daily spiritual nourishment.
Page 10, It Begins with Prayer, by Dwayne McCrary
As His sheep, each day we need to feast on His Word. Out of a daily, fresh relationship with God in Bible study and prayer, we grow to love Him, obey Him, and care for others in ways that honor Him and say, “I care!”
How will you honor His love for you? Will you ask Him to be your Savior and Lord?
If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9, CSB
Invest daily time with God. Will you intentionally schedule time with Him in Bible study and prayer? Will you listen and obey Him with all your heart? Grow as His disciple. To discover even more ways to encounter God in Bible study, get a copy of my book, Disciple-Making Encounters. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Yoonbae Cho on Unsplash
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