In Discipling Outcomes from Sunday School, Part 1, I listed fourteen discipling outcomes which should result from Sunday School: biblical knowledge and understanding; Christian worldview; spiritual disciplines; obedience; life and behavior practices; spiritual gifts and church body practices; love of God, neighbor, and self; connection, community, and fellowship; leadership training; service; mission/ministry; inviting and sharing Jesus; tithing, stewardship, and money practices; and leadership and organizational multiplication. For additional information, check out a previous post: Questions about Making Disciples Through Sunday School.
While a book could be written around these topics, I want to introduce the areas and begin the thinking. In Part 2, I will look at the first Sunday School discipling outcome: biblical knowledge and understanding. My intent is to focus on practical ways Sunday School should impact this discipling outcome area. Consider the following:
BIBLICAL KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. In order to impact discipling, more than teaching will occur. Learning will take place. Participants will be led to understand relevance to life today and to them as individuals.
This will most assuredly involve the use of multiple teaching methods to address the varied learning styles in every group. This absolutely requires prayerful preparation. Check out Crafting a Sunday School Lesson to Lead to Learning AND Action. Attenders will be led to meet God in Bible study during the session and to apply the truth beyond Sunday morning. Class members and guests will be led to consider four questions: what did God say, what is my response, am I willing to do it, and did I do it? For more explanation, check out Leading Attenders to Meet God in Bible Study, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , and Part 5 and Make Them Think in Sunday School!.
Andragogy means that adults will build biblical learning upon previous knowledge and experiences. And they will value and benefit more from Sunday School which involves them in the learning. Good questions are natural aids to retaining knowledge and to deeper understanding. These will be offered both by the teacher as well as by learners. Discussion can also be a useful tool, but it must be planned and executed with intention. Check out Effective Discussion in Your Sunday School Class, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
While retention is essential, understanding and application leading to relationship (with God and man) and obedience are the goal. Check out Sunday School Teaching Methods for Impacting Discipleship, Part 1 and Part 2 and Sunday School: Telling the Bible Story, Part 3 Retention
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