I am convinced that many Sunday Schools are failing for lack of passion. There is a lack of passion for God. There is a lack of passion for God’s people. There is a lack of passion for people in the community and world. And there is a lack of passion for Sunday School.
And one of the main reasons that there is a lack of passion is that Sunday School leaders are not passionate. Pastors, directors, and teachers are tired, busy, and distracted. And they are immobilized. They are stuck in the routine. Why? They are afraid. Afraid of what? They are afraid of failure and the resulting criticism. Rather than risk leading boldly, they settle for simply managing a class and the Sunday morning experience.
Our world needs adventurers. Our world needs leaders. In the words of Seth Godin, the author of the book Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, our world needs heretics. I prefer the term revolutionaries. Our world needs change. Our world needs Jesus. But how will they know unless we take the risk to go and tell them?
Our Lord’s work is too important simply to manage. We must lead. We must be courageous. We must act boldly out of our passion. Let’s glorify Him by doing our best work through the Sunday School. Let Him lead. Take chances. Try new things. Give our best. Work hard. Prepare well. Teach the truth. Lead them to encounter Him. Set high goals. Challenge. Encourage. Lead!
There are people waiting for us to lead. There are people dying for us to lead them to Him. They are going to follow someone. Can they see your passion for Him? If your passion has dimmed, invest time in the relationship. Pray. Read His Word. Expect Him to speak. Listen for His still, small voice. Bow in His presence. Pray scripture. Slow down. Let Him lead.
Allow your experiences with Him to splash onto those around you. Love them for Him. Love them to Him. Invite them to spend time with you. Go to a restaurant. Go to a game together. Invite them to your home. Invite them to a class fellowship. Invite them to worship. Invite them to class. Care about them and for them. Love them to Him through the Sunday School.
Ask God to help you to lead out of your passion for Him, others, and Sunday School. Stop managing and start leading. Prioritize your time and life in order to make the most difference. Be creative. Be adventurous. Communicate. Care. Be revolutionary!
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