Join your hearts and minds in prayer for Sunday School. Agree together in prayer. Ask for God’s leadership and blessing. Ask for his guidance and help. And watch what God does.
In a recent Sunday School survey of growing and declining Sunday Schools, setting aside time to pray was shown to be significant for growth. Here is the survey statement and responses:
My church sets aside time to pray for Sunday School, teachers, workers, new classes, and other Sunday School needs. (Never, Occasionally, Quarterly, Monthly or more often)
Growing Sunday Schools tended to respond that they pray more often for Sunday School, teachers, workers, new classes and other needs. Prayer is needed, not to change God’s mind, but to prepare us for what God wants to do in and through us. There is power in prayer. The power to change lives. The list of prayer needs for the Sunday School is long. Consider this beginning list:
- lost attenders to accept Jesus;
- disciples to be developed;
- leaders to be trained for the class, church, and community;
- for attenders to be sent out as missionaries in the community and beyond;
- for relationships to be made with people in the community;
- for new people to be invited to meals, fellowships, and class sessions;
- for new people to be enrolled;
- for powerful, life-changing lessons; for application of God’s truth resulting in obedience;
- for contacts and ministry; for launching new classes;
- for new teachers to be apprenticed;
- and much, much more.
What would you add? What is your class praying about? Press Comments below to leave your thoughts. Pray. Reach. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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