Well…that depends. Are we intentionally relational? Do we look for people who need Jesus and do we intentionally try to live out the truth of the Gospel with them? Do we try to meet needs in their lives as we get to know them? Do we intend to keep on living out the Gospel with them in a fashion that exemplifies the love of Christ? What is really our motivation? Are we looking to see their lives transformed by the grace of Christ the way our lives were transformed?
As we answer these questions we will determine whether or not Relational Evangelism works for us in our context of life. It does work if we do it properly. We will not be successful if we are just trying to see how many people we can get into and through the baptistry and not how we can reach and disciple a friend. Nor will we be successful if our quest is all about how big we can grow our church instead of how can we get these folks connected with the Kingdom work of God.
Sunday School and small group Bible study are great environments in which to build and grow an atmosphere for relational evangelism. Our friends can see Christianity at its best as we share our lives together living out the Gospel of Christ. As they continually see us living for Christ, and sharing His love as we pray for, work with, and minister to the needs around us, they will come to want the same Christ in their lives. This environment still works. One of every two non-believers who become a part of an evangelistic Bible study will come to faith in Christ within twelve months. The ratio is one in 287 who are not in such a small group Bible study.
There are still some who will ask, “Will it work here in my church?” Yes…if your motivation is right. No…if it is just about your church and not about them. This is not rocket science. It is about living out the Gospel for the glory of Christ.
He does tell us in Acts 1:8 “And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even in the remotest part of the earth.”
When we are abiding in His power, we will be effective witnesses. That is His promise.
I remember once visiting a church where the Sunday school was the point of entry for new people.
The Sunday school had caught the vision for evangelism, and for hospitality in terms of welcoming guests who came.
Members were proud of their church and class topics to make personal invitations easy. Classes were geared as well towards needs of the unchurched.
Sunday School can be a great vehicle for this type of relational evangelism when it’s done right, and in those areas where Sunday school is still a valued work.
Chris Walker
This is why I stress inviting every member and every prospect to every fellowship every month. It makes relational evangelism intentional evangelism. It make it something you can put on a calendar and a to do list.
Josh Hunt