Following this paragraph is a lesson sample utilizing suggestions from Early Moment Opportunities. Other than Fellowship, everything included should take no more than 10-15 minutes. How could you adjust your lesson to include the major sections?
Contacts: Before we begin, does anyone else have contacts to report? Your care really matters. Thanks for making these contacts with members and prospects.
Announcements: One quick announcement. The class provided memorial Gideon Bibles for the Decker funeral. It was such a surprise; 59 is so young. We had enough money in the class kitty. The next time we are together, we will pass the basket to refill the class account.
Fellowship: Okay, I know it’s time to get the lesson started. But since we have been apart for a few weeks now due to the Coronavirus, I wanted to give everyone 30 seconds to share an update on how everyone is doing. Thanks for sharing. I really do miss you guys.
Prayer requests: Let’s keep each other in our prayers. In fact, when Debbie sends out our email prayer list, simply respond to all to add your prayer requests this week. Are there some pressing ones that need to be mentioned now? Let’s begin now with prayer.
Prayer: Father, thank you that we are able to use technology to see and hear one another today. We sensed our love for each other and for you while we shared our updates. Now, we ask you to hear our requests and help us as we open your Word to hear your voice. Give us understanding so we obey you in all we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Review: Before we turn to this week’s lesson, let’s review. What was last week’s lesson about? That’s right grace and freedom from the guilt of sin. What was the point of the lesson? Good memory. Yes, we are to demonstrate our salvation and understanding of grace by living righteous, obedient lives. How did you do at living out the truth of last week’s lesson? Remember, to know and not do is sin.
Capture interest: Shifting to our lesson for today, what was the most awe-inspiring sight you’ve ever witnessed? For me, the birth of children and grandchildren were awesome. The Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park were both awe-inspiring. What about for you?
Preview: Now, imagine walking through the darkness of a Sunday morning and finding something even more amazing: an empty tomb. The women who came to anoint Jesus’ body expected to find a stone that needed to be removed. Instead, they found a doorway to eternity. The world had been changed forever. We’re still experiencing the benefits of that change today. [from Raised!, Explore the Bible curriculum by LifeWay, for 4/12/2020]
Scripture reading: Luke 24:1-12. Before looking at individual sections or verses, let’s look at the passage for today as a whole. Turn with me to Luke 24:1-12.
If time is short, announcements and prayer requests could be collected by passing around a sheet (when meeting in person) or by sending out an email or adding them in chat in programs like Zoom or Facebook Groups. In the sample lesson, reporting contacts, fellowship, announcements, prayer requests, and even prayer could be accomplished before the official time for class to start. Doing so consistently will train your people to arrive on time.
I want to challenge you to avoid leaving out any of the sample lesson elements listed above in your early moments. Trim time but include them all as best you can. Keep in mind that we are making disciples rather than just dumping content. For more suggestions, check out my book, Disciple-Making Encounters: Revolutionary Sunday School. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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