In my book, Disciple-Making Encounters: Revolutionary Sunday School, I help readers understand how to lead class members to meet God in Bible study. The most critical step for the teacher is a fresh encounter of meeting God in Bible study during preparation. Then flowing out of that encounter and preparation are some easy steps to take with the class to lead them to open God’s Word and meet Him.
Easy Steps
Consider which of these steps can be added to your Sunday morning plans in order to increase disciple-making impact:
- arrive early to pray, greet, and fellowship
- allow time before class for member care and prospect care contact assignments and reports
- start on time
- if the group is larger than 3 people, gather in care groups to share prayer requests and pray together
- ask class members what they did as a result of last week’s lesson: share the lesson, truth, and application of last week’s lesson
- capture the group’s attention/interest (question, current event, story, etc.) for this week’s lesson
- quickly preview the day’s lesson
- use the Bible
- set the scripture into context
- ask good questions and use good teaching methods to address the learning styles of the class
- if the group is larger than 3 people, get everyone talking by gathering in smaller groups
- help each person apply the truth of scripture to life (what is God saying to me? what is my response? am I willing to do it?)
- ask them to share the application with an individual and pray together.
In my experience, it is key to focus on the Bible, to get everyone involved, and to begin every lesson with a serious question about what they did as a result of last week’s lesson. And as mentioned above, preparation and a personal encounter with God in His Word is the key to all of this.
Review and Choose
I challenge you to print out this post and then review the easy steps I listed. Circle the steps which could increase the disciple-making impact of your lesson. Then choose one to add to your plans for this Sunday. Add another one the following Sunday. Continue to adjust your plans to make disciples.
Help your class take small steps toward being like Jesus. Teach them to meet God in Bible study. Help them apply the truth of God’s Word, and to obey Him. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
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