Over the last 15 years, I have written about absentees and dropouts many times. It is essential to pursue and continue to care for these “lost sheep.” In the post, Pursuing Sunday School Dropout, I wrote this paragraph with bulleted suggestions:
What can we do to pursue Sunday School dropouts? Consider the following suggestions. Which of these suggestions do you need to implement?
- keep good attendance records
- notice when individuals are absent
- assign all attenders (regular and irregular) to care group leaders to contact weekly
- encourage all attenders to develop relationships with others in the class
- lead all attenders to pursue a place of service in the class and in the Kingdom
- pray for attenders
- minister to those going through stressful times
- seek to involve all attenders in class fellowships and projects.
Re-engage Group Dropouts
To add to these ideas, I want to encourage you to check out a post by my friend, Ken Braddy, who manages LifeWay’s Ongoing Bible studies, leads his church’s groups ministry, and blogs daily on Sunday School and small groups at kenbraddy.com. Ken shared 10 Ways to Re-engage Group Dropouts:
- Pray for them.
- Encourage them.
- Understand them.
- Visit them.
- Don’t give up on them.
- Invite them to a party.
- Call them.
- Downsize the group.
- Organize the group.
- Take advantage of natural “on ramps.”
Read 10 Ways to Re-engage Group Dropouts for the great practical ideas. The best solution is to do a good job of caring for every group member so that none of them drop out. But when they do, be proactive as a class in extending your care to them in one of these ways. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash
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